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~ How to write an essay ~

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To first begin the setup of an essay open this document: Starting Setup

Now the first step to start your essay is to get 3 facts to write about for each body paragraph. Then you will setup those paragraphs using this format (open this document): TEEL-CON. One sentence will go in each of those boxes, which will then make up one paragraph. Using TEEL-CON may be hard to understand at first, but eventually you will start to understand how to use it.

If you still don't understand how to use TEEL-CON then open this document: Overview of TEEL-CON

Open this document for how to write the Introduction and Conclusion if you are having trouble: Intro/Con

Here are some tips on how to write an essay:

  • Write the Introduction last!
  • 5 Sentences or more in each body paragraph
  • Don't begin paragraphs with quotes, don't end paragraphs with quotes! (Body paragraphs)
  • Change verbs like is, was, are, will, etc. into action verbs
  • Double spacing makes essays, papers, reports easy to read!
  • Read essay backwards to check for grammatical errors!
  • Attention getter for first sentence in Introductory paragraph
  • When writing essay for book, play, article, etc. use quotes to support your claim, followed by commentary on why it supports the claim (quote in each paragraph).
  • Action Verbs: quality, demonstrate, states, therfore, trait, displays, possesses, in addition to, contribute, impending, etc.
  • Make the paragraphs flow from one to the other (makes the paper flow better)
  • Citations: Ex. for plays - (Sc.5 l.59-63)
  • Quotes can be used anywhere in the Introduction and Conclusion